• LECTRA: Monthly declaration of the total number of shares and voting rights composing the company's capital (at January 31st, 2022)

    المصدر: Nasdaq GlobeNewswire / 07 فبراير 2022 11:34:32   America/Chicago

     Monthly declaration of the total number of shares and voting rights composing the company's capital (at January 31st, 2022)

    This declaration is established in accordance with Article L.233-8 II of the French Code de Commerce and of Article 223-11 of the Règlement Général of the Autorité des marchés financiers (AMF).


    January 31st, 2022

    Total number of shares composing the capital:


    Total number of voting rights, gross (1):


    Total number of voting rights, net (2):


    (1) In accordance with the second paragraph of article 223-11 of the Règlement Général of the AMF, the gross total of voting rights is based on the total number of shares composing the company’s capital which have voting rights, including shares deprived of their voting rights

    (2) The net total of voting rights is equal to the gross total, minus the number of shares deprived of their voting rights (treasury shares)

    Other than the legal notification requirements for crossing the thresholds established by French law, there is no special statutory obligation.

    Lectra • 16 – 18, rue Chalgrin • 75016 Paris • France
    Société anonyme au capital de € 37 511 651 • 300 702 305 RCS Paris


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